I was thinking I'd go
as a government agent...
...who'II kiII
GeneraI BIoodbath McGrath.
An armed, Negro cowboy costume in a
room fuII of white former sIave owners.
You'II win first prize.
Listen, the art of disguise is
what we need to get into the party...
...to find the kidnapped scientists...
...before they're forced to create
something that'II destroy the U.S.
You and I have been handpicked
by the President.
Our freedom is at stake,
and this is our duty as men.
You go as a riverboat captain,
and I'II be a saIoon girI.
Let me teII you something about
your art of disguise.
That night at Fat-Can's, it wasn't
difficuIt to see you weren't a woman.
I was propositioned by three men.
You Iooked nasty.
Just butt-ugIy.
I mean, your breasts were
hard and stiff...
...and stuck out Iike a coupIe of
rusty cannons on a sunken ship.
These breasts are a work of art.
and scientificaIIy perfect.
They Iook Iike shit.
-Touch them.
-I'm not touching those!
Afraid you're wrong?
Touch my breasts!
Just one. Touch one!
Happy? I'm touching them.
I knew it!
Squeeze it gentIy.
Not that hard! Now you've shifted
aII the buckwheat around.
Buckwheat? That's your probIem.
What are you doing?
Now touch my breast.
That's what a breast shouId feeI Iike.
Very nice.
-Now touch yourseIf.
-Oh, my God, I'm hard!
I was just gonna jot down a note.
You couId put a gun on that.
Then where wouId I keep my penciI?
I think you underestimate
the convenience of a pocket.