You go straight to heII, sir!
After you, sir.
BIoodbath McGrath...
That concIudes the festivities.
Ladies, feed him to the crabs.
Since the beginning of written history,
a nation's power has been determined...
...by the size of its army.
Tonight, that chapter wiII be cIosed.
The traditionaI army, to say nothing of
the United States, wiII become extinct.
Laid Iow by a crippIe...
...as the generaI
so amusingIy impIied...
...and ''mechanoIogy.''
But that tank is just
a IittIe hors d'oeuvre...
...compared to what the country's
scientists are cooking up.
So, if I have piqued your interest...
...bring 1 000 kiIograms of goId...
...to Spider Canyon
within the next four days.
And now, if you'II excuse me,
I have a tank to catch.