Wild Wild West

Judging from the position
of these bodies...

...it Iaid down a 360-degree pattern
of cannon fire.

I think I'm gonna be sick.
My God!
What kind of weapon did this?
It roIIs on and on,
screeching Iike a wounded animaI.

It has a cabin on top with a cannon.
It swiveIs around Iike an eagIe's head.
You saw it?
Heard about it. I thought it was
crazy survivors' stories.

Not here.
New Liberty, IIIinois,
a free sIave town just over the border.

A week before the war ended in '65,
I was with the 9th CavaIry.

We discovered oId foIks,
women and chiIdren sIaughtered.

They used them for target practice.
That's when I vowed to chase
this yeIIow deviI to his grave.

What's wrong, West?
I thought you'd be gIad
to see me Iike this.

ActuaIIy, I'm kind of disappointed.
I was hoping to kiII
the Butcher of New Liberty myseIf.

WeII, go on, shoot.
