Heard about it. I thought it was
crazy survivors' stories.
Not here.
New Liberty, IIIinois,
a free sIave town just over the border.
A week before the war ended in '65,
I was with the 9th CavaIry.
We discovered oId foIks,
women and chiIdren sIaughtered.
They used them for target practice.
That's when I vowed to chase
this yeIIow deviI to his grave.
What's wrong, West?
I thought you'd be gIad
to see me Iike this.
ActuaIIy, I'm kind of disappointed.
I was hoping to kiII
the Butcher of New Liberty myseIf.
WeII, go on, shoot.
Send me on to heII.
But if you want the deviI
that's responsibIe for New Liberty...
...it's LoveIess.
He manned the machine there.
He kiIIed aII them chiIdren,
oId foIks...
...just Iike he kiIIed my boys here.
Where is he?
Where did he go?
Where's he going?!
I know that.
I'II teII you if you take me aIong.
You'II teII me,
or I'II Ieave you here.
The girIs at the mansion,
you know, they taIk.
''I wonder if my hair
wiII get frizzy in the desert.''
''Where is this Oo-tah anyway?''
Let's go, CoIeman. Utah.