I have them square in my sights, sire.
As do I, Munitia. As do I!
Fire away!
That's it! I won't Iet LoveIess
take me away!
-I'd rather be dead!
-That's not a good thing to wish for!
PIease, Artie! Don't Ieave me aIone!
Ladies, we need a new train.
-Give me the baII. I have a pIan.
-I won't!
It's LoveIess!
-No, it isn't.
-Yes, it is!
An innocent biIIiard baII this way,
but depress the number...
...and on impact it ruins our mission.
-Don't move!
-Let go of my Ieg.
LoveIess has fitted us with the same
metaI device we found on Morton.
Good morning, gentIemen.
I trust you sIept weII.
-What have you done with Rita?
-Rita, is it? How famiIiar!
Rita is sIeeping off
the aftereffects in the stateroom.
She is quite IoveIy, isn't she?
Who knows? I might even
become famiIiar with her myseIf.
-That'd be one more reason to kiII you.
-Oh, yes, Mr. West.
To a weII-endowed bIackamoor
Iike yourseIf...
...it seems impossibIe that a freak Iike
me couId enjoy the pIeasure of a woman.
But having witnessed my use
of mechanoIogy thus far...
...don't you think I'd devise
something for my Iower body...
...that was hard-pumping
and indefatigabIy steeIy?
And speaking of hard-pumping,
Mr. CoIeman...
...fuII steam ahead.