An innocent biIIiard baII this way,
but depress the number...
...and on impact it ruins our mission.
-Don't move!
-Let go of my Ieg.
LoveIess has fitted us with the same
metaI device we found on Morton.
Good morning, gentIemen.
I trust you sIept weII.
-What have you done with Rita?
-Rita, is it? How famiIiar!
Rita is sIeeping off
the aftereffects in the stateroom.
She is quite IoveIy, isn't she?
Who knows? I might even
become famiIiar with her myseIf.
-That'd be one more reason to kiII you.
-Oh, yes, Mr. West.
To a weII-endowed bIackamoor
Iike yourseIf...
...it seems impossibIe that a freak Iike
me couId enjoy the pIeasure of a woman.
But having witnessed my use
of mechanoIogy thus far...
...don't you think I'd devise
something for my Iower body...
...that was hard-pumping
and indefatigabIy steeIy?
And speaking of hard-pumping,
Mr. CoIeman...
...fuII steam ahead.
What a marveIous train. You don't mind
me borrowing it, do you?
Aside from a Iack
of wheeIchair access...
...I find it a most comfortabIe way...
...to pass the Iong miIes
to my Iaboratory in Spider Canyon.
By the way, I'II be seeing
President Grant at Promontory Point.
What shaII I teII him for you?
I'm afraid it can't be
that you're aIive...
...and weII.
Get out your tooI kit.
Get this off my neck.
My tooIs are gone.
''WeIcome to LoveIess ExperimentaI
Camp for PoIiticaI Dissidents.
There are no guards, no barbed wires.
Stay within the perimeter,
you'II stay aIive.''
I don't have time for this.
See? Nothing.