OFFICER: I got one-nine-zero
bogies inbound.
Vector three-seven-four,
attack formation.
WILSON: Status!
OFFICER: Forty Kilrathi ships
coming to bear, Admiral.
They're powering weapons.
The Iowa's gone! And the Kobi.
MAN: We have a station breach!
Levels seven, eleven,
and thirteen.
They're headed towards
command and control!
Destroy the Navcom A.I. Now.
Self-destruct malfunction.
TECHNICIAN: Command codes
have been overwritten.
Station breach, level six.
Station breach, level two.
Command center breach imminent.
WILSON: Prepare a drone.
Get me a coded channel.
This is Admiral Wilson...
Pegasus station
commanding officer.
Forty Kilrathi capital ships
are closing.
Station has been breached.
They want the Navcom.
Repeat--they want the Navcom.
The station has been breached.
They want the Navcom.
Repeat--they want the Navcom.
The Pegasus Navcom.
My God, if they have it...