TECHNICIAN: Command codes
have been overwritten.
Station breach, level six.
Station breach, level two.
Command center breach imminent.
WILSON: Prepare a drone.
Get me a coded channel.
This is Admiral Wilson...
Pegasus station
commanding officer.
Forty Kilrathi capital ships
are closing.
Station has been breached.
They want the Navcom.
Repeat--they want the Navcom.
The station has been breached.
They want the Navcom.
Repeat--they want the Navcom.
The Pegasus Navcom.
My God, if they have it...
What's the fleet's position?
RICHARD: We're spread out
all over the sector.
The earliest our advanced
elements can reach Sol...
is forty-two hours...
and that is taking risks
with the jumps, sir.
TOLWYN: Give me
the Vega and Sol sectors.
COMPUTER: Estimated Kilrathi
fleet's position.
Projected time of travel
to Earth, forty hours.
main Confederation fleet.
Estimated time to Earth space,
forty-two hours.
A mere two hours could decide
the outcome of this war.
Signal all ships
to mark our course...
and make full speed for Earth.
I need to know what
the Kilrathi are up to, Richard.
Do we have any more ships
left in Vega?
Just one, sir.
The Tiger Claw.
But she's beyond the range
of our communications...
and a drone will take
two days to reach her.
TOLWYN: Who's this?