COMPUTER: Waiting.
Transmission nominal.
Long distance...connected.
At ease, Lieutenant.
-Yes, sir, Admiral.
You are currently outbound...
to the Vega sector
and the Tiger Claw.
I need you to hand-deliver...
an encrypted communications chip
to her captain.
Why not send it by drone
to the Pegasus, sir?
That'd be quicker.
The Pegasus is gone...
destroyed by a Kilrathi
battle group...
twelve and a half hours ago.
See that Captain Sansky
gets that chip.
Why me?
I fought alongside your father
in the Pilgrim wars.
He was a good man.
TAGGART: Well, guys...
we have to jump
into the Vega sector...
a little sooner than planned.
Set a course for beacon 147,
one-quarter impulse...
and be subtle.
Setting course
for beacon one-four-seven.
One-quarter impulse.
MARSHALL: I'm reading that
as a 100,000-kilometer...
no-fly zone, sir.
Just put in beacon 147.
It's a shortcut.
Aye, Captain.
[Knock on door]
We're holding steady
on the beacon.
Marshall has the helm.
Those must be antiques.
They were made by the first
explorers in this sector...