This man happens to be...
the second-best pilot
on this hunk of junk.
HUNTER: Just who are you
calling the best?
-Now, that's a secret.
-Shh. Watch this.
There's two ways to find
that out, mister, uh...
uh, Lieutenant Hunter.
First way involves you trying
to kick the shit out of me.
HUNTER: And the other way?
We're on stand-down.
One won't hurt.
Well, it may even help, huh?
Here you go, mate.
Allow me.
You got balls.
-You should see 'em.
-Mine are bigger.
I've been told
size doesn't matter.
She lied.
Do you know what, Hunter?
I would have taken
the third option.
I would have kicked his ass
first, then drank his scotch.
Oh! Touché.
COMPUTER: Message on-line.
Playback in progress.
I'm gonna have to be brief.
The Kilrathi took Pegasus.
They may have her Navcom A.I.
By the time this communication
reaches you...
they will be
twenty-three hours...
from the Charybdis jump point
and Earth.
Confed capital ships
are headed home now.
The Concordia battle group...
will only be able to make it
in twenty-five hours.
I'm ordering the Tiger Claw
to the Charybdis quasar.
You are to use
any means necessary...
to gather information as
to the Kilrathi whereabouts...
capacity, and plan of attack.
I need intelligence, old friend.
Use Taggart.
He knows this space
better than any man alive.
He can get you
to Charybdis quickly.
I don't like it.
What don't you like, Paul?
The disk came to us
on the Diligent...
entrusted to a Pilgrim
Send for this Taggart.