Let me give you a reality check.
In all likelihood,
you're going to die out here.
We're all going
to die out here...
but none of us need to be
reminded of that fact...
so you die, you never existed.
Yes, ma'am.
GERALD: Taggart, sir.
Ah. I know of you,
Mr. Taggart...
but I'm afraid I don't know you.
And yet you come to me
with classified orders...
from Admiral Tolwyn.
Oh, I see. The captain
doesn't trust me...
Blair, or the disk.
Would you?
Well, uh...
This tactical schematic outlines
a nightmare, Mr. Taggart.
It tells me that the Kilrathi
may have a Navcom...
and with it the capacity
to jump into Earth space.
And based on that nightmare...
it orders me to take
radical action...
which, if it and you
are a lie...
could compromise this ship
and its crew.
So I'm bound to ask you,
Mr. Taggart...
what proof do you have
that this is authentic?
Where did you get this?
thought it might be useful...
if I ever had
to convince a captain...
to follow his orders.
Mr. Obutu.
Plot a course
for the Charybdis quasar.
Full speed, if you please.