OBUTU: Sir, the nearest
jump point to the Charybdis...
is four days hard travel
from our current location.
TAGGART: There's a class-two
pulsar eleven hours from here.
We can jump there.
It's not on the chart, sir.
Navcom does not have
those coordinates.
I have them.
No one's jumped a pulsar
for forty years...
and even then,
they were Pilgrims.
I don't believe we have
a choice, Mr. Gerald.
If the battle is to be decided
in the Charybdis quasar...
then that's where we have to be.
Plot your course, Mr. Taggart.
Sir, that ring means nothing.
This ring has been in Tolwyn's
family for sixteen generations.
And any man who carries it...
has the admiral's
full confidence!
Prepare for the jump.
We goin' out?
No. Just me.
I pulled security
with Lieutenant Forbes.
Why'd you wake me up?
Remember back at the academy?
You promised you would
take that thing off.
It brings me luck.
It's gonna get you killed.
I was wearing it
when I made the jump.
Yeah, but that had
nothing to do with luck.
That was about training,
skill, desire.
Now, please.
Take the cross off.
It's who I am.
You don't even know
what it means.
This is the big show.
And you gotta have someone
watching your back.
It's either kill or be killed.
And you know what?
I can't always be there.
Hey, I'm tryin' to be
Mr. Sensitive Guy.
It's just--Ahh!
I don't even know why I bother.
All right. Wish me luck.