We goin' out?
No. Just me.
I pulled security
with Lieutenant Forbes.
Why'd you wake me up?
Remember back at the academy?
You promised you would
take that thing off.
It brings me luck.
It's gonna get you killed.
I was wearing it
when I made the jump.
Yeah, but that had
nothing to do with luck.
That was about training,
skill, desire.
Now, please.
Take the cross off.
It's who I am.
You don't even know
what it means.
This is the big show.
And you gotta have someone
watching your back.
It's either kill or be killed.
And you know what?
I can't always be there.
Hey, I'm tryin' to be
Mr. Sensitive Guy.
It's just--Ahh!
I don't even know why I bother.
All right. Wish me luck.
BLAIR: Luck?
What about desire?
You seen Lieutenant Forbes?
You know I got desire.
BLAIR: Hey, Marshall...
Message from Earth Command.
Their defenses
are on line, sir, but--
They don't believe...
they can withstand
a Kilrathi battle group...
without the support
of the fleet.
But they will fight, sir.
Earth will never surrender.
What's our status?
We're running
at one-hundred-and-ten percent.
We've already lost three ships--
two at jump points, and one's
reactor core melted down.