Missile away!
The big one's shielded!
I got two more bogeys
comin' up from the Brown Dwarf!
DEVEREAUX: Negative. I count
fourteen unfriendlies inbound.
Looks like two destroyers.
We're out of here.
You knew what the orders were--
no contact with the enemy.
Now you've compromised
the mission...
and the very existence
of this ship.
BLAIR: I had no choice, sir.
They'd spotted...
Lieutenant Commander
Deveraux's heat signature.
GERALD: Really?
Angel, how sure are you...
that the Kilrathi
had you targeted?
Given the Lieutenant's
are you really that certain?
Excuse me?
It's well documented
that Pilgrim saboteurs...
have been responsible...
for much of the Confed's
problems in this war.
Did they have me targeted,
WILSON: Now, come on.
This is sterile conjecture.
The Kilrathi are well aware...
that rapiers
don't just fly around...
in deep space
without a carrier close by.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
That is all.
-Dismissed, Lieutenant.
Your assessment, Mr. Gerald?
GERALD: That concom
is running point...
for the battle group.
Their fleet won't be far behind.
So I say we send them a message.
I can have my fighters up
in thirty minutes.
No, no. That's a mistake.
Without her fighters...
the Tiger Claw's vulnerable.
GERALD: You are
a civilian scout, Mr. Taggart...
not a naval officer.
Tactical operations
are our concern.
We are the Earth's only hope.
We need to buy our fleet
two hours.
And you're willing
to risk all that...
chasing after
a communications ship?
WILSON: I'm sorry, Mr. Taggart.
Destroying the concom
with its escorts...
will slow the Kilrathi.
Deveraux will lead
a strike force.
And as you have charted
the area before...