that rapiers
don't just fly around...
in deep space
without a carrier close by.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
That is all.
-Dismissed, Lieutenant.
Your assessment, Mr. Gerald?
GERALD: That concom
is running point...
for the battle group.
Their fleet won't be far behind.
So I say we send them a message.
I can have my fighters up
in thirty minutes.
No, no. That's a mistake.
Without her fighters...
the Tiger Claw's vulnerable.
GERALD: You are
a civilian scout, Mr. Taggart...
not a naval officer.
Tactical operations
are our concern.
We are the Earth's only hope.
We need to buy our fleet
two hours.
And you're willing
to risk all that...
chasing after
a communications ship?
WILSON: I'm sorry, Mr. Taggart.
Destroying the concom
with its escorts...
will slow the Kilrathi.
Deveraux will lead
a strike force.
And as you have charted
the area before...
you will accompany her.
If you say so, Captain.
I do say so, Mr. Taggart.
-Carry on.
-Yes, sir.
WILSON: Mr. Obutu.
Plot a course...
for the rings
of planet four-fifteen.
Four-fifteen. Aye, aye, sir.
BLAIR: I need to talk to you.
-You don't just barge in here.
BLAIR: I wear it for luck.
Is your luck at odds
with our mission?
You think he's right?
In his mind, I started
selling out the Tiger Claw...
the moment I stepped onboard!
I don't see
how you can be a Pilgrim...
and fight on our side.
I'm not a Pilgrim!
My mother was.
My father
fought for the Confederation.
And they both died
before I was five.
He was killed
trying to save her...
in the Peron massacre.