to shut up
and go to sleep, woman.
You know,
you make it all worth it.
Make what worth it?
Coming way out here to fight.
Leaving everything I love
back at home.
Remember the briefing.
By the time you return...
everyone you know
will be dead and buried.
Yeah, well...
you know what?
I don't care about any of that.
OFFICER: Attention,
all Baker wing pilots...
report to the flight deck.
Repeat, all Baker wing pilots
report to the flight deck.
MARSHALL: Oh, shit.
This war is really starting
to piss me off.
Big time.
MARSHALL: Ha. Let's go.
All right, ladies, listen up.
We have a concom with escorts.
That means two,
possibly three destroyers...
fighters, and support ships.
Primary target is the concom.
Everything else is gravy.
BLAIR: Just keep your mind
on the Kilrathi, Maniac.
Let's make them bleed.
Mount up.
you'll take Hunter's wing.
MARSHALL: Watch your back.
HUNTER: Ma'am, I'd as soon
you assign me another wingman.
DEVEREAUX: You have a problem
I should be aware of?
HUNTER: Yes, ma'am, I do.
I don't fly with Pilgrims.
DEVEREAUX: You'll fly my wing.
BLAIR: Are you sure?
a suggestion or an order?
BLAIR: I got your wing, ma'am.
DEVEREAUX: Picking up
any com traffic, Baker Seven?