All right, ladies, listen up.
We have a concom with escorts.
That means two,
possibly three destroyers...
fighters, and support ships.
Primary target is the concom.
Everything else is gravy.
BLAIR: Just keep your mind
on the Kilrathi, Maniac.
Let's make them bleed.
Mount up.
you'll take Hunter's wing.
MARSHALL: Watch your back.
HUNTER: Ma'am, I'd as soon
you assign me another wingman.
DEVEREAUX: You have a problem
I should be aware of?
HUNTER: Yes, ma'am, I do.
I don't fly with Pilgrims.
DEVEREAUX: You'll fly my wing.
BLAIR: Are you sure?
a suggestion or an order?
BLAIR: I got your wing, ma'am.
DEVEREAUX: Picking up
any com traffic, Baker Seven?
Must be observing
radio silence...
except for
short range frequencies.
Baker Two, Three, and Four--
BLAIR: Negative, chief.
Nothing happening, boss.
HUNTER: Scope's clear, boss.
[Alarm sounds]
Possible hostile contacts...
bearing three-zero-nine,
local vector norton.
MARSHALL: All right, you losers,
listen up.
I got three confirmed targets...
bugging that big Brown Dwarf
down there.
FORBES: Confirm that.
The middle one has a massive
electromagnetic signature.
DEVERAUX: All right, ladies,
it's the concom.
Deploy for attack.
That's no concom. Abort!
DEVEREAUX: Baker Seven,
you have no authority...
over this mission
or its personnel.
Forget it, Baker One.
These are supply ships
left behind...
by the Kilrathi battle group.
The Tiger Claw is in danger.
You are a civilian scout.
Commander, I'm not a civilian.
I hold the rank of Commodore
in naval intelligence...
reporting directly
to Admiral Tolwyn.