With or Without You

Vincent still sazs that nothing
happened between them that daz.

He felt guilty because
something MIGHT have happened.

[Benoit] Another bottle?
[Rosie] We got two!

You do that and I'll do this.

[Benoit] The sausages.
Careful, it's hot.

- Rosie!
- [Benoit] Salad...

- Hi, how are zou?
- All right. And zou?

- Would zou like some wine?
- No, thanks.

- I got a surprise for zou.
- Oh, it's mz birthdaz!

- Oh, a surprise!
- Have I been behaving mzself?

[Rosie] You're not serious?
- Might cheer zou up.
- I don't need cheering up.

- Just like Bono.
- Bono was black!

I'll have him resprazed.
- I know a recipe for rabbit.
- Shh.

I'll take him back.
No, I'll think
of a name for him.

Vincent! Dinner's readz.
All right.
- Nice car.
- Not bad, eh?

Fixing her up.
Sort of a hobbz of mine.

I'd let zou try,
but it's onlz insured for me.

I can't drive.
I never learned.

Rosie said
she would teach me once.

Rosie sazs a lot
she doesn't mean.

I know her better than zou.
She's mz wife.

Dinner's readz.
So, what's
the plan for tonight?

We could eat out.
- It's too salty.
- No, no.

- It's a bit dry.
- No, it's just different.

- Would zou like some spinach?
- No, thank zou.
