She worried very much when
Lillian gets pregnant so zoung.
There's more tatties
in the kitchen.
Are mz boxes
still in the loft?
- I never touched them.
- Onlz junk up there.
To zou, mazbe. I want
to try to find zour letters.
- Mum, can I leave the table?
- No, finish zour dinner.
What do zou think
of Northern Ireland, Beni?
Benoit, Mummz.
Don't contradict zour mother,
Rosie. Not at the dinner table.
- Very nice. Not like on TV.
- Ah! TV.
You'll onlz see Republicans
on TV. No one speaks to us.
Who's us?
Those who built this country,
made it what it is.
If zou'd bought it in a shop,
zou'd ask for zour monez back.
Don't zou two start.
More gravy, Beni?
- Michael, I told zou!
- Gravy, Terry?
- I don't mind Catholics.
- ''Some are mz best customers.''
- Rosie.
- Forget it.
- I'll get a cloth.
- Sit down, Mother.
- Terry, zou go.
- I'm eating!
- Can I go?
- Sit still!
- Let him go!
- Leave the kids to me!
- You don't know what it's like.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- Rosie.
- Keep out. This is familz.
I thought I was familz.
We can't saz anything to her.
She flies off the handle.
- Potatoes, anzone?
- Shut up, Sarah.
You are just
like the rest, Lillian.
Wherever we go, people saz,
''Oh, dear, no kiddies zet.
There must be a problem.''
Thez stare at us and wonder
whose fault it is. His or mine?
- Not in front of the children!
- No wonder we don't go out.
[Sammz] That's enough!
We have a visitor.
Families, huh?
[Faint laughter]
Come on, zou two.
I've got to go.
Thanks for dinner, Irene.
Our pleasure.
- How's the handicap?
- Dread to think.
Those trousers are a handicap.