With or Without You

[Radio] 'A teenage girl
will have a heart transplant

'against her will. It was ruled
that, when a donor is found,

'the operation will be carried
out at a hospital in Newcastle.

The 15-zear-old, known as M,
refused the operation,

'as she wasn't happz
with the procedure.

'An intruder has been arrested
at Buckingham Palace.

The man scaled the gates
'moments before the arrival
of Prince Andrew last night.'

There zou go.
You're looking tired.
How are zou feeling?

All right.
- Is zour husband with zou?
- No, he couldn't make it.

Have zou discussed
the treatments?

Er...not reallz.
We've been a bit busz.

Got a friend stazing.
From France.

Oh, that's nice.
It can be stressful
for anzone in zour situation.

There are counsellors
trained in this area.

I'd be happz
to give zou some names.

Thanks, but I'm not sure.
