- Like you, Stan.
- Steve.
Whatever. The rest
went into the business.
But it had nothing to do
with my parents.
Why do they call you Bobby Bats?
That's my name. Batton.
Nothing to do with baseball bats?
Sports was never my forte.
I meant on people.
No, that's all right.
I wanna be honest.
That's what this is all about, right?
When I was younger,
maybe I was a little wild, you know.
Maybe a few people thought
I was a little "bats," but...
that was a long time ago.
I mean, I'm a family man now.
I mean, really.
I'm in love with my wife.
I love my children.
Everybody's happy.
I mean, I'm very happy.
I'm very positive.
In a weird way,
I think this is...
the best thing to happen for us...
kind of forcing Bobby
to go legit.
Don't tell him I said that.
Is this confidential, right?
Look, I'm fine. It's Suzie
that needs the counseling.
This isn't counseling.
It's simply an evaluation
to anticipate any adjustment problems.
Suzie doesn't have to be screened.
Adjustment to moving
to the new city?
It's more like this, Joan.
Can you love a guy named Bill Cooper...
who works the late shift
at Bob's Big Boy...
just as much as you loved
Bobby Bats...
who wears Armani suits
and gets out of Cadillacs?