Witness Protection

I'm very positive.
In a weird way,
I think this is...

the best thing to happen for us...
kind of forcing Bobby
to go legit.

Don't tell him I said that.
Is this confidential, right?
Look, I'm fine. It's Suzie
that needs the counseling.

This isn't counseling.
It's simply an evaluation
to anticipate any adjustment problems.

Suzie doesn't have to be screened.
Adjustment to moving
to the new city?

It's more like this, Joan.
Can you love a guy named Bill Cooper...
who works the late shift
at Bob's Big Boy...

just as much as you loved
Bobby Bats...

who wears Armani suits
and gets out of Cadillacs?

I'll always love Bobby.
Money doesn't matter.

I see you like getting your nails done.
They're very nice.

Yes, I do. I enjoy it.
It relaxes me.

What if,
with the economics...

you can't get any manicures anymore?
You know,
you can be very rude, Officer.

You think I'm pampered?
We have money.
We have money because we've earned it.
We've worked very hard for it.

But I would take the safety
of my kids over money any day.

Any day of the friggin' week.
And I'll clue you in on something else.

Bobby is not sweeping floors
at Bob's Big Boy.

The government will sell your house,
two Cadillacs...

all the furniture and the household
items for market value or best price.
