''Spring is here.
''It meIts the snow.
''The grass turns green.
''The farmers sow.
''The oxen pIough the fieId.
''The wiId geese return.
''The frogs begin to hop....''
Di, you're awake.
You've been sIeeping for two days.
Di, the teacher is back.
He came back Iast night.
He came straight here.
He sat with you for a Iong time.
Isn't it good news?
He came back for you.
''FuII of energy...
''...our spirit comes aIive...
''...fuII of new hopes...
''...fuII of new wishes.
''Spring is here.
''It meIts the snow.
''The grass turns green.
''The farmers sow.
''The oxen pIough the fieId.
''The wiId geese return.
''The frogs begin to hop.
''Robins start to sing.