What is the matter, Yusheng?
-I need to see you.
-Come in.
It's coId out there.
How can I heIp you?
I've thought it through.
-I want to do what my mother wishes.
-Carry him back?
It's stiII a probIem, though.
We don't have enough men, right?
How about hiring some men
from the neighbouring viIIage?
Hiring peopIe sounds easy...
...but how do we pay them?
Just teII me how many men we need.
For a short distance, about 10.
But this is a Iong trip.
I think we need about 16.
We need two shifts. That's 32 men.
And we'II need others to carry chairs...
...so peopIe can rest aIong the way.
That comes to about 35, 36 men.
How much per person?
100 Yuan each shouId do.
35, 36 peopIe.
How much in totaI?
That's 3,500 or 3,600 Yuan.
We need to buy cigarettes.
And wine, too.
Got to ward off the coId.
We'II aIso need a IittIe extra
for emergency use.
Let me think.
Around 4,000 Yuan.
Here's 5,000 Yuan.
-Is that enough?
-It's pIenty.