100 Yuan each shouId do.
35, 36 peopIe.
How much in totaI?
That's 3,500 or 3,600 Yuan.
We need to buy cigarettes.
And wine, too.
Got to ward off the coId.
We'II aIso need a IittIe extra
for emergency use.
Let me think.
Around 4,000 Yuan.
Here's 5,000 Yuan.
-Is that enough?
-It's pIenty.
Mrs. Luo, come and see Mr. Luo.
PIease don't cry.
Don't Iet tears faII on him.
Mr. Luo, we are going back to the viIIage.
That day, over 100 people
came to the ceremony.
The mayor told me
they were my father's students.