Don't Iet them fight.
After they pIay, have them copy text again.
I'II be gone for a month.
ExcIuding four Sundays,
how many days is that?
Twenty-six days.
You get one piece of chaIk a day.
One piece of chaIk per chapter.
Copy the Iesson.
Don't write too smaII.
They won't be abIe to see it.
It's bad for their eyes.
But don't write too big. It wastes chaIk.
You have one piece of chaIk a day.
The words shouId be as big
as a donkey's droppings.
About that size.
We're a poor schooI.
There's not much chaIk avaiIabIe.
Here's one pair. Two pairs, three, four...
...five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten pairs.
Is that enough?
-One more.
-StiII missing one?
Twenty-six in aII.
Come in here.
This is the teacher's room.
Your work desk.
Do your work here.
There are books and ink.
You sIeep here.
If the bed's too smaII,
extend it with the chair.
Let me introduce you. Zhang Mingxian.
Zhang Mingxian is the cIass president.
Jiao Jie, Zhang Huike,
Tian Xuewei, Ming Xinhong.
These three girIs sIeep with you at night.
The two boys sIeep out there.
Prepare your meaIs in the kitchen.
You'II find food and a wok.
You'II eat together.