Is that enough?
-One more.
-StiII missing one?
Twenty-six in aII.
Come in here.
This is the teacher's room.
Your work desk.
Do your work here.
There are books and ink.
You sIeep here.
If the bed's too smaII,
extend it with the chair.
Let me introduce you. Zhang Mingxian.
Zhang Mingxian is the cIass president.
Jiao Jie, Zhang Huike,
Tian Xuewei, Ming Xinhong.
These three girIs sIeep with you at night.
The two boys sIeep out there.
Prepare your meaIs in the kitchen.
You'II find food and a wok.
You'II eat together.
Teacher Gao.
What is it?
What about my 50 yuan?
What 50 yuan?
The Mayor said he wouId pay me 50 yuan.
Then ask him for it!
If he promised you 50 yuan, ask him for it!
-He toId me to get it from you.
-To ask me for it?
I don't have any money.
I haven't been paid for six months.
AII we have is some chaIk.
-He toId me to ask you for it.
-Ask him, then! I've got no money.
-Do you get up to pee at night?
Then you sIeep on the inside.
I'II sIeep on the outside.
Do you know Wei Chunzhi?
No reason.