A Better Way to Die

Even more impressive is you did so
at such a young age.

However, much Iess inspiring are
your achievements since your promotion.

You spend more time womanizing than
giving a shit about nationaI security.

- Some wouId caII you a drunk.
- We need you back one hundred per cent.

We need someone who knows the mob.
We're afraid Van Adder has united
the famiIies your team shut down, -

- and now they're working against
the government.

SpeciaI agent James has compiIed
information on one of these.

Identities ofVan Adder informants,
which wouId aIIow us to shut him down.

PracticaIIy overnight.
Why me? Why here in Chicago?
SpeciaI agent James was going to
deIiver the fiIe to us here in Chicago.

- But he didn't.
- Why not?

We don't know.
- Do we think he's been kiIIed?
- We don't know.

The bureau does not Iike
not knowing things.

Dead or aIive, James is in the area
and Van Adder is on to him.

Find speciaI agent James and his fiIe
before Van Adder does.

You find him before the bureau does.
His woman has hired a detective.
He goes by the name FIash.

See what he knows.
Any probIems ... deaI with them.
