Almost Famous

Well, I certainly know how my lady gets
when you don't snap to it.

- Crazy.
- Crazy.

Beware, beware of
Rolling Stone magazine...

because they will
change your story...

they'll rewrite it, you know,
turn it into swill--

But besides that,
what would be wrong with it?

You got starry eyes, my friend.
Look. Do the story.
Who cares, you know?
It'll be good for ya.

Remember this: Don't do it
to make friends with people...

who are trying to use you...
to further the big business desire...
to glorify worthless rock stars
like Stillwater!

Don't let those
swill merchants rewrite you.

- "Swill merchants." That's good.
- Yeah, swill merchants.

- What are you listening to?
- Stillwater.

Fucking kid's doing drugs.

No more than four days...
and I want you to give me
a phone number where you are.

I want you to call me twice a day,
and you do not miss more than one test!

And no drugs.
Oh, this is a big mistake.
Come on, Doris, you darling bus.
You can make it.

- This is what I was talking about.
- Russell, excuse me.
