All right, you chipmunks.Ready to sing your song?
- I'll say we are!- Let's sing it now.
Okay, Simon?
Okay, Theodore?
Okay, Alvin?
Christmas, Christmastime is near
Time for toysand time for cheer
We've been goodbut we can't last
Hurry, ChristmasHurry fast
Want a planethat loops the loop
Me, I want a hula hoop
We can hardlystand the wait
Please, ChristmasDon't be late
You wanna be Atticus Finch. Good.
- I like him.- Why?
- He's honest.- Yes.
- He stands up for the right thing.- Yes.
- And he's a good father.- He is.
- Did it all by himself.- Did what all by himself?
- Raised his kids.- He didn't raise them by himself!
Who was the woman thatcame to their house every day?
- Calpurnia.- Calpurnia. He remembered.
- And what about Boo?- What about Boo?
Boo Radley is the most interestingcharacter in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Boo Radley is the most interestingcharacter in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Mom, tell me more about Livia.
She killed everybody so her son Tiberiuscould inherit the throne-- Iike Nixon.
It's awfully common.
The same stories, the Shakespeare, likethose plays we saw at the Old Globe.
- Anita?- Hey, Mom.