I have to get my interview
with Russell before Greenville.
- You've got to help me, okay?
- Here's the thing about Russell.
He's my last project.
I only do this for a very few people,
and I think we should do it together.
Because all the guys are good,
but he could be great.
What's your real name?
All right, let's go!
Oh, it's okay.
I'm easy to forget.
just leave me behind!
I'm only the fucking lead singer!
- You said you'd tell me where you were.
- Mom, I know!
You told me you would
call me twice a day.
- You told me you wouldn't miss tests.
- I'll be home for graduation.
- Mom--
- Where are you?
Right now, Topeka.
Then Greenville, then home.
What about graduation?
We had an agreement, William.
I'm sorry I didn't
call you yesterday.
I guess I just miss you,
and I don't understand...
why I've driven my two kids
so far away from me.
By all practical rules,
don't I get you for another three years?
Was I not fun?
This is Beth from Denver.
She's one of the legendary,
original Band Aids.
- She's clairvoyant!
- I can't read your mind or anything.
I mean, I pick up things
here and there.
Estrella says hi.
- She says I can stay in your room.
- Sure.
Great. I've got some...
hydroponic pot!
Wow, your aura
is really fantastic!
- It's this beautiful purple color.
- I love you.
I missed the last thing you said.
- Your aura is purple!
- I love you.
- What?
- Purple! It's purple!
- Mom, what?
- Your aura is purple.
I miss you and I love you!