
Sir, had I been informed
of this important meeting...

I would have canceled
my Pilates session this morning.

I did not find out about it--
You're telling me
that everyone in the room...

knew about this little
get-together except for you.

People, you can pull a Rodman
like our friend Delacroix...

but I guarantee you'll be sent
packing just like him.

These are the ratings, people.
Read 'em and weep.

As you can plainly see...
the Continental Network System
is languishing.

Look at 'em, people.
Look very closely.

We are booty, caca.
We are doo-doo.

I don't like to be
the laughingstock...

of the entire broadcast

I don't like these pricks
who call themselves my bosses...

breathing down my back.
It makes me sweat.
These numbers
are totally unacceptable.

These numbers have to go up.
What do you want us to do?
Dumb-ass question.
I want you to write
some material that is funny.

Your material is about
as funny as a dead baby.

It's not dope. It's not new.
It's not sexy.

It sucks.
Thank you, Fish. It sucks.
This meeting is over.
But I want you to think
about what I just said...

and how you can deliver.
Otherwise, things are
gonna get very grim around here.

Monsieur Delacroix.
Can I see you
in my office now, please?

Seeing that you're
all stretched out and shit.

Sloan, why didn't I know
about this important meeting?

Nobody sent me an e-mail.
I didn't have a memo.

What good are you if
I don't know about these things?

Well, it wasn't my fault.
I was embarrassed.
Hey, Chuckie.

But if I don't know,
how are you gonna know?

That's unacceptable.
It better never happen again.

Do you know what CP Time is?
CP Time.
CP Time is
Colored People's Time...

the stereotypical belief
that Negroes are always late...

that Negroes
have no sense of time...
