
Have you noticed that everybody
white want to be black?

White folks
want to be black folks.

I went to school
with white people.

Their lips weren't that big.
They get stuff in their lips.
They take it out their behind.

They do anything
to get big nigger lips.

Black people been killed
on the highway.

They come by. "I'll take these."
The lips so big,
the little kids look adopted.

Everybody want to be black,
but nobody want to be black.

It confuses me.
They all act black, sound black.
I hope they start
hanging niggers again.

I'm going to find out
who's black.

Tell you some street jokes.
I love them.

Ain't they the funniest?
A nigger escaped
from the crazy house.

That's already scary.
And ran to where the nuns live.
There was Sister Mary,
Sister Jane, and Mother Theresa.

He went in there buck naked...
and had the biggest, thickest,
longest penis you ever seen.

He was all skin.
So, Sister Mary wanted
to protect Mother Theresa.

She grabbed a butcher knife.
"Mother Theresa, where do you
want me to start cutting?"

Mother Theresa said,
"Here and here."

You know that shit is funny.
Who is it?
That's my son at the door.
How are you doing?
Looking good. Good to see you.
Looking good, son.
You look dandy
in that orange ensemble.

Have a seat, son.
-You were hilarious.
-Thank you.

Absolutely hilarious.
It was a good show.
Dot, get my son a drink.
Sure thing, baby.
I always enjoy
seeing you perform.

Good, good. I try.
You do more than try.
