
It belongs to Ai Tong Maen.
I can't barely lift it.

Ai Tong Maen, the drunk.
WHat kind of person is he?

I have asked myself that a
lot of times. I still no nothing.

I only know, that he arrived
lying on a wagon pissed.

And he has not been sober since.
Ai Tong Maen, here are your axes.
You are a skilled warrior. Why don't
you teach the others your technic?

I'm not a teacher.
And besides we all
have to die anyway.

You talk as ugly,
as you smell.

What did you say?
If you drink yourself to death, -
- what good are you,
when the burmese attack?

Ai Jan! They have returned
from Ayudhya.

Ayudhya didn't give us any canons.
They don't want to help us.
They fear,
that if Bang Rajan falls, -

- the burmese will
just have more canons.

You did your best.
It looks like,
we are alone...
