Before Night Falls

These croquettes don't stick
to the roof of your mouth.

They are delicious.
What kind are they?
I n this country, you don't
ask that question.

We're all being placed
on an international diet.

Let's go back
to the Bible,

it's far
more interesting.

Now, I don't mean
to convert you.

Just read it like a novel.
I tell you what, I'm going
to give you five books--

Correction, I'm going to lend
you five books.

You return them,
then I'll give you five more.

"Moby Dick," Melville,
Robert Lewis Stevenson's
"Treasure lsland,"

"Remembrance of Things Past"

Kafka's "Metamorphosis,"
"Sentimental Education."

MarĂ­a Luisa,
coffee please.

One, two, three--
four, five.
Reinaldo, I don't mean
to be presumptuous,

but we've read your book.
We both think
it's far superior

to the one
that won first prize.

They robbed you
of the first prize.

But, to be frank,
there's always room
for improvement.

If you'll allow,
Virgilio would like
to help you clean it up.

Right now it's good,
but it's too good
not to be great.

Let's fix it.
Second prize
gets published too.

That's the real prize.
We both think that
you were born to write.

( police radio )
You can't be too careful.
This is the only possession
that you really need.

:31:48 la vida.
