some speeches, a letter
to your friends, publisher,
telling them how well
you're being treated
and that's a good beginning.
You thought it was me
who turned you in.
I thought it was...
Can you really
blame him?
Yes, I can.
And, I will blame him
for the rest of my life.
Look at this.
This book...
won best foreign
novel in France...
and I don't even have
a place to live.
What am I going to do?
What are you
going to do?
You're in luck.
I'm in luck?
Remember Blanca Romero,
the painter?
She lives in the Hotel Clarita,
next to the convent
of Santa Clara.
Hey, Blanca wanted
a window.
We thought it went
to the street.
We're selling this stuff
on the black market.
So, this is the surprise.
Something else...
making a fortune.