and I don't even have
a place to live.
What am I going to do?
What are you
going to do?
You're in luck.
I'm in luck?
Remember Blanca Romero,
the painter?
She lives in the Hotel Clarita,
next to the convent
of Santa Clara.
Hey, Blanca wanted
a window.
We thought it went
to the street.
We're selling this stuff
on the black market.
So, this is the surprise.
Something else...
making a fortune.
We got a hold
of these parachutes
and we're going
to sail them to Miami.
You're kidding, right?
No, I'm not kidding.
This is my friend, Armando
He's an expert with
the blowtorch.
He can fix anything,
even steal electricity
from the street.
He's an engineer.
I knew him in jail.
We figure that the balloon
will take three passengers.
So, we are going to draw
lots to see who goes.
I'm definitely going.
Blanca's definitely going.
TĂș no vas a estar
haciendo dieta ahora.
The rest of us
will draw lots.
We need some help,
there's only six of us.
I can help.
- Who's the guy?
- Reinaldo.