Mother's body isn't even cold yet.
I'll ask the officials to
take care of the funeral.
I'm not leaving.
/You're my daughter.
You go with me.
I don't want to!
Let go of me!
Let go!
If he dies, so do l!
Jinha! Jinha!
I'm sorry.
I have to leave.
I won't leave you.
Listen! Every full-moon day, I'll wait
at Yu Hua Pagoda in Shao Xing.
You have to remember.
Yu Hua Pagoda!
Shao Xing. Taruga Manor.
Young lord, just as I heard
you do carry a joke too far.
But isn't it so?
I can't find any serviceable women.
No beauties like Yi, Su Yon of old...