Boiler Room

Why shouldn´t I get the Times
or the Voice, you know?

The Village Voice is free, sir, so if
you want it, you should pick it up.

But the Daily News offers you something
no other paper can.. a taste of New York.

We have the best features, more photos
than any other daily in New York...

and we have the most
reliable delivery in the city.

Now what do you think?
You know what I think, Ron?
I think that was a sales call.

Good job, buddy.
So you gonna
buy a subscription?

No. I already
get the Times.

I know what you´re sayin´!
Booked. Booked.
I got a hundred against.

Booked. Someone cover Greg.
Cover Greg.

I hope you guys aren´t fightin´ over it.
Here. Good money against Greg´s roll.

- Put it there.
- Two hundred?

- What is that?
- Nothing.

Damn. Who you gotta ass-fuck
to get a ten around here?

- There´s a leprechaun in stall four.
- Whatever.

Hey, Seth, l´m gonna get some reserves.
You wanna come with me?

- Yeah.
- You guys want a shot?

Roll a seven, baby. Let´s go.
Quit starin´
and just apologize.

Hey, he doesn´t have to say shit,
all right?

Why don´t you go back to your Heineken
and shut the fuck up, okay?

Was I talkin´ to you?
No, you weren´t.
You were talkin´ to him.

Ifyou´re talkin´ to him, you´re talkin´
to me and my whole fuckin´ crew, okay?

Get the fuck outta here.
What? What?

Get the fuck outta here before
I put you in a mayonnaise jar, okay?

Get the fuck outta here,
fuckin´ cocksucker.

He´s gonna cry
like a little baby!

You little baby!
Hey, Richie!
Hey, Richie!
