Boiler Room

Damn. Who you gotta ass-fuck
to get a ten around here?

- There´s a leprechaun in stall four.
- Whatever.

Hey, Seth, l´m gonna get some reserves.
You wanna come with me?

- Yeah.
- You guys want a shot?

Roll a seven, baby. Let´s go.
Quit starin´
and just apologize.

Hey, he doesn´t have to say shit,
all right?

Why don´t you go back to your Heineken
and shut the fuck up, okay?

Was I talkin´ to you?
No, you weren´t.
You were talkin´ to him.

Ifyou´re talkin´ to him, you´re talkin´
to me and my whole fuckin´ crew, okay?

Get the fuck outta here.
What? What?

Get the fuck outta here before
I put you in a mayonnaise jar, okay?

Get the fuck outta here,
fuckin´ cocksucker.

He´s gonna cry
like a little baby!

You little baby!
Hey, Richie!
Hey, Richie!

Oh, Mommy!
Come on.
You gotta realize these aren´t the kids
you and I grew up with, you know?

Remember in Hebrew school,
when a shoving match was a big deal?

Worst-case scenario, somebody
got their yarmulke knocked off.

It´s true, man.
These guys are no joke.

They get all tanked up,
throw a quick fist.

Some of them actually enjoy it.
I mean, like, Richie.
What the fuck is that, man?

Probably thought I was being
tough back there with that guy.

I was shitting my pants.
- I saw that.
- Oh, great. Thanks.

These fuckin´ Guineas, man.
Half of them do coke.
They all drink. Zero capital.

No fuckin´ stability. They
make all this fucking money...

and they´re always
living three steps ahead.
