Believe her?
I don't know.
Jeff, give me your keys to the van.
Where you going?
I have to get out. I need a beer.
Hey, see if we need more coffee.
(Erica chanting)
...earth and fire, water and smoke...
I am going to the store.
You want to come...?
(Continues chanting, sobbing)
We brought something back with us.
What are you talking about?
I can sense it...
...like someone's choking me...
...and squeezing the air out of me.
Look, we're just tired, Ok?
We're all really tired. That is it.
I want to show you something.
I have got the same thing.
Is nothing, is like poison oak.
But, Kim...
They're growing.
(Erica) Ancient pagan alphabet.
They say it means
you've been touched by a witch.
(Sobbing) That you're next
chosen to die.
There's something here!
There's something here!
Yo, Morticia.
Hey, Elvira, I got something
you can suck the blood out of.
Oh, yeah? Whip it out.