I have got the same thing.
Is nothing, is like poison oak.
But, Kim...
They're growing.
(Erica) Ancient pagan alphabet.
They say it means
you've been touched by a witch.
(Sobbing) That you're next
chosen to die.
There's something here!
There's something here!
Yo, Morticia.
Hey, Elvira, I got something
you can suck the blood out of.
Oh, yeah? Whip it out.
Excuse me, sorry.
I'm finished now.
What the...?!
What is your problem?
You're with the witch people.
I'm just here to buy groceries.
Am I gonna have a problem
with you, too?
No problem.
Good. Les go.
Ok, look...
Either you ring this stuff up...
or I call your manager.
I am the manager.