No, silly, your virtual romance.
Enough virtual.
No more talk.
How long does it take
to get a visa?
'' New York City is the financial
capital of the world.''
World. Roll your ''r.''
'' Downtown, on Wall Street...
is the World Trade Center...
and the Staten Island ferry.''
- Miss Simpson?
- Yes?
- Who's it from?
- I just make the deliveries.
Thank you.
''On Wall Street
is the Stock Exchange.''
Let's start from the beginning.
'' New York City is the financial
capital of the world.''
'' Downtown, on Wall Street,
is the World Trade Center...
and the Staten Island ferry.''
So, what's the growth rate?
About five percent per year.
They say that
after a certain age...
your belly becomes
your wealth index.
That explains
why I'm always broke.
Everything went well downstairs.
And the girl?
Is she pretty?
Very pretty.
- Good night.
- Bye, Mrs. Simpson.
- Very good.
- Thank you.