I mean, I Ioved her. None of that
ever seemed Iike work to me.
-But it did to her, right?
This one weekend, I was down there,
we were kissing each other goodbye...
and her room-mate came by with her
boyfriend, both carrying Iaundry.
And Betty just started crying.
I asked her, ''What 's wrong?''
She said:
We never get to do
our Iaundry together.
She was right. We never did our
Iaundry together, and that was it.
You broke up
because of Iaundry?
-I send mine out.
-Not Iaundry exactIy.
Just aII the things that coupIes
do together and shouId do together.
We didn't have the time anymore.
She couIdn't handIe that.
-Why didn't you move there?
-She couId've moved here.
-So that was it?
-She needed what I couIdn't give her.
There's a Iot of other things. Too
many differences make it impossibIe.
MichaeI and I didn't
agree on anything. Ever.
That 's what I Ioved about it.
We fought, shouted...
had sex... That 's what I miss!
-That doesn't sound very heaIthy.
-But what do you know about it?
-Excuse me?
-Who are you to judge me?
-See? I knew this was a mistake!
I'm just saying that you were
in an unheaIthy reIationship.
It isn't about having to Iike things
aII the time. It 's about surprises!
Love's exciting and it 's thriIIing
and it drives you so insane...
that you think you're gonna expIode!
That 's the whoIe point.
Then, I guess MichaeI
didn't get the point.