There's a Iot of other things. Too
many differences make it impossibIe.
MichaeI and I didn't
agree on anything. Ever.
That 's what I Ioved about it.
We fought, shouted...
had sex... That 's what I miss!
-That doesn't sound very heaIthy.
-But what do you know about it?
-Excuse me?
-Who are you to judge me?
-See? I knew this was a mistake!
I'm just saying that you were
in an unheaIthy reIationship.
It isn't about having to Iike things
aII the time. It 's about surprises!
Love's exciting and it 's thriIIing
and it drives you so insane...
that you think you're gonna expIode!
That 's the whoIe point.
Then, I guess MichaeI
didn't get the point.
You've never been to her apartment?
That 's some weird shit.
No, it 's not!
She's just being carefuI. There's no
point introducing me into her worId...
unIess she feeIs secure in
our reIationship. I admire that.
What are you doing today?
I've got ascuba diving
cIass at three.
No, that 's a Iie. I Iied. I can't stop.
I'm Iying about everything!
It started so I can impress girIs.
And now I can't stop.
-You shouId see someone about that.
-Yeah, I am.
-No, you're not!
-See? I can't stop! I can't!
TeII you what. The next time
I catch you Iying...
I'II expose you for
the fraud that you are.
-You wouIdn't.
-I wouId.
-You're not Iying.
-I'm not.