Boys and Girls

-What are you reaIIy doing today?
-Dance cIass.

So my therapist keeps teIIing me
to expand my horizons...

but with this guy aII I did was
pretend to be someone I wasn't.

-And I can't handIe it anymore.
-So you're breaking up with him.

Yeah, but do you think
I'm being too cowardIy?

My therapist wants me to take more
responsibiIity for my emotions...

but I just don't think this is the
right time for that, you know?

It doesn't matter how you do it.
Phone, fax, e-maiI, song...

it 's aII the same message:
''Adios, amigo''.

Okay, but you have
to be nice about it.

Amy, are you breaking up
with your boyfriend, or am I?

I wouIdn't caII him my boyfriend.
I bareIy know the guy.

-So don't worry about it.
-Yeah, but he just seems so sweet.

-I don't wannasee him get hurt.
-I know.

What are you doing here?
I was coming to pick up Amy.
-What are you doing here?
-I'm Amy's room-mate.

-Is she here?
-We need to taIk.

-We're not right together?!
-I'm teIIing you what she toId me.

-You shouIdn't take it personaIIy.
-Why do peopIe say that?

How can I not take it personaIIy?
It 's me she doesn't Iike!

-Okay, fine. Take it personally.
-Why didn't she teII me?

-She didn't want to hurt you.
-And you did?!

No. I didn't know it was you.
I knew it was a Ryan, but I
didn't know it was you, Ryan.

-WeII, this sucks!
-''NoIi nuntium necare''.

-Latin. ''Don't kiII the messenger''.
