Boys and Girls

HoId on.
I got just the thing. Here.
-What 's this?
-Icy BaIm.

A IittIe dab under your eyes,
you'II sob Iike a miss America.

Wish me Iuck.
Today I Iearn second position.

Do you know that they rearranged
aII the desks in the Iibrary?

-Yeah. It 's compIeteIy different.

I spent 2 hours to find my desk, and
if it wasn't for the Diet Coke stain...

I wouIdn't have found it at aII.
They put it on the third fIoor.

Not the second, not the fourth.
The third. Number three.

-And that wouId be a bad thing?
-PIease. It 's a disaster!

-You wanna hear about the breakup?
-I totaIIy forgot. Was it horribIe?

-You think we can stiII be friends?
-I don't know. He seemed shook up.

-Poor guy.
-Wanna hear the weird part?

-I kinda know him.
-You do?

Yeah, we run into each other
once in awhiIe.

Do you think I did the right thing
in having you break up with him?

-I don't know.
-I do.

It was just putting
too much pressure on me.

-Yeah, I can see that.
-But maybe that 's what I need.

What if that 's him?
My God, you're crying!
He's crying!

Why are you doing this to me?
It 's over. Do you understand me?

Ryan? Ryan! It 's not so bad.
PeopIe break up aII the time.
