You know what?7
You're having too much fun with this.
I'm trying not to!
Try harder!
Look, it 's not funny.
I'm not Iaughing at you. Chicks
Iove making us jump through hoops.
-This isn't a hoop. We broke up!
-No, it 's a test.
She's testing you to see
how much you reaIIy want her.
-You think?
-I know.
You've gottaswim across the moat,
bust down the castIe door...
sIay the dragon. No euphemism.
And sweep her off her feet.
-You're right!
-Of course I am.
You're absoIuteIy right! We were great
together. I even made a chart!
-I'm sure you did.
-It proved how perfect we were.
Now aII I have to do
is prove it to Amy.
-You've gotta do more than that.
-You've gottaweep. OpenIy.
-You should've quit while ahead.
Squeeze the Iids. Turn on the
sprinkIers. You need the tears...
of a man who can't breathe another
second without the Iove of his Iife.
HoId on.
I got just the thing. Here.
-What 's this?
-Icy BaIm.
A IittIe dab under your eyes,
you'II sob Iike a miss America.
Wish me Iuck.
Today I Iearn second position.
Do you know that they rearranged
aII the desks in the Iibrary?
-Yeah. It 's compIeteIy different.
I spent 2 hours to find my desk, and
if it wasn't for the Diet Coke stain...
I wouIdn't have found it at aII.
They put it on the third fIoor.
Not the second, not the fourth.
The third. Number three.
-And that wouId be a bad thing?
-PIease. It 's a disaster!
-You wanna hear about the breakup?
-I totaIIy forgot. Was it horribIe?