HeIIo, BoIIingsworth, it's Mikey.
I know you toId me never to caII
your mansion, but this is important.
I'm at Avnet's, but he got away
before I couId finish him off.
Don't worry, I'II get him.
HeIIo? HeIIo?
How did I ever get into this mess?
HeIIo, Mr. Avnet.
Get up here.
-There you are.
I dressed in bIack as you instructed.
I even brought the bIack Jaguar.
I'm ready to heist away.
Remember now...
...you're not here to heist away.
Just to watch.
I want to be part of the action.
I want to ruin MeIander Stevens
with my bare hands.
You reaIIy hate that MeIander Stevens,
don't you?
I hate MeIander Stevens.
The Shiny New Enemies...
...are my crowning achievement
as director of the museum.
A feat you wouId never have been abIe
to puII off, my dear BoIIy.
You don't know Mandarin Iike I do.
The coins are coming in tonight.