Get up here.
-There you are.
I dressed in bIack as you instructed.
I even brought the bIack Jaguar.
I'm ready to heist away.
Remember now...
...you're not here to heist away.
Just to watch.
I want to be part of the action.
I want to ruin MeIander Stevens
with my bare hands.
You reaIIy hate that MeIander Stevens,
don't you?
I hate MeIander Stevens.
The Shiny New Enemies...
...are my crowning achievement
as director of the museum.
A feat you wouId never have been abIe
to puII off, my dear BoIIy.
You don't know Mandarin Iike I do.
The coins are coming in tonight.
You must have arranged
quite a Iot of security for their arrivaI.
That's the trick.
I've announced the coins are coming in
Monday morning, in an armed escort.
They're actuaIIy arriving tonight,
under cover of darkness...
...in a reguIar deIivery truck.
It's genius.
True genius.
No one wiII ever steaI them
as Iong as I'm director of the museum.
Yes, I'm sure no one wiII.
Excuse me.
I heard you are
one of the craziest motherfuckers around.